Drum Lessons in Ahwatukee Foothills, AZ

We helps kids, teens and adults learn how to play drums at a high level.

Call or Text (480)613-7560 TODAY

Perform For Your Friends

Funtimes Music School provides performance opportunities for drum students each year (and oftentimes, multiple opportunities each year). While these are optional, we’ve found that our students love to play the music they’ve learned for friends, family and peers in a fun and informal environment. It also allows our drum instructors to teach the art of preparation, memorization, and other performance skills.

Lessons With Specific Outcomes in Mind

Our teaching staff is highly experienced in both pedagogy and performance, so they can layout specific goals and milestones for students of all skill levels and ages. Each lesson will include the structured delivery of new concepts, review of previous concepts, interaction with fun and rewarding music, and a significant step towards that student’s unique goals.

Learn Drum Fundamentals

Why should you work with a skilled drum teacher instead of hammering away at home while learning from YouTube videos? Because our faculty helps students learn perfect technique in real time. In order to play various rhythms, beats, and with speed, a student’s drumming technique needs to be perfect. This also helps students avoid injury. Make sure you play correctly and set the stage for a lifetime of successful drumming.

Drum Lessons For All Ages and Skill Levels

Drum Lessons For Kids in Ahwatukee Foothills, AZ

Can you really start to learn the drums as a kid? Absolutely. There are many practice kits and electric practice pads available that suit kids and middle schoolers, and we can certainly start to impart a strong sense of rhythm, teach technique, and teach them how to love music.

Through a variety of methods, including interactive games and age-appropriate songs, children at our studio learn essential techniques such as basic rhythms, hand and foot coordination, and how to properly hold drum sticks. These lessons often incorporate playing along to music, which not only enhances timing and rhythm but also keeps the learning process exciting.

We always make drum lessons fun and educational for kids, and we’ve found that our young students want to practice at home and get excited about their next lesson.

Drum Lessons For Adults

It’s never too late to start learning the drums! Whether you are a Rush fan or want to learn jazz drumming or fusion beats, we are happy to help. We speak with adults about their specific goals, and we are more than happy to include your favorite music in our play-along tracks and learning exercises. We’ll give you specific practice material to take home, so you will have a structured plan to pursue on your own each week.

Beginners, Intermediate Drummers, and Advanced Musicians Are Welcome

At the beginner level, drum students start with the basics: learning proper stick grip and understanding the fundamental elements of a drum kit. They are introduced to simple rhythms, such as basic rock beats, 4/4 time signatures, and other musical fundamentals like note durations. Instructors focus on developing students' ability to keep a steady beat and integrate the bass drum and snare drum patterns.

Intermediate students may explore more complex rhythms, and now that they understand all of the various time signatures, they may start to explore various music styles such as jazz, blues, and funk. Intermediate lessons also introduce fills and the continued study of rudiments, such as paradiddles and flams, to build solos and transitions within pieces.

Advanced drumming techniques involve mastering intricate rhythms and polyrhythms, among many other concepts. Advanced students explore the full dynamic range of the drum kit, and lessons often include a deep dive into soloing and improvisation. We can also work with you on any songs you have in the works with a band.

Start Drum Lessons in Ahwatukee Footfills Today

If you have any questions about our drum lessons in Awatukee Foothills, we would love to hear from you. Whether you have a full drum kit at home, or just an electric practice kit, we can help you reach the next level in your playing. Get in touch for a trial lesson today.