The Finest Violin Lessons in Ahwatukee Foothills, AZ

We Welcome Beginning & Advanced Violinists, Cellists, Violists and Bassists

Call or Text (480)613-7560 TODAY to schedule a trial lesson!

Tailored Lessons

While we do draw from the leading violin methods, like Wohlfardt and Suzuki, we also take your particular preferences and strengths into consideration. We will not force you to follow a rigid curriculum, and we will draw from our vast knowledge of string instrument literature to find suitable music and etudes for every student. We will also assign personalized practice strategies each week so that you can improve between lessons.

Fun and Engaging

We take our responsibility to help you or your child become a fluent violinist seriously, but we also make lessons fun and interactive. You’ll be playing new music often, and we have games and activities that keep our young students engaged. In short, we want you to love music! And that doesn’t come from stuffy, boring lessons.


Perfect Violin, Cello, Viola & Bass Technique

From day one, we will practice your posture, grip, technique, stance, and more. You will never play with a beautiful tone, or with speed, if there are gaps in your technical development, so we will help you learn and practice the basics. Once you are able to comfortably use the fingerboard, draw the bow across the strings, and produce a nice sound without feeling tension in your arm and shoulder, we can proceed with more advanced concepts like vibrato, pizzicato, harmonics, and so forth.

Violin Lessons in Ahwatukee Foothills With Expert Teachers

In the age of YouTube violin lessons, apps, and other impersonal teaching methods, the value of an expert instructor has never been greater. That’s not to say that other digital tools aren’t helpful - in fact we sometimes recommend them. But you will never see as much progress as when you:

  1. Work with a teacher who has an advanced violin or cello education

  2. Work with a teacher who has taught at different levels for years

  3. Work with a teacher with a comprehensive knowledge of string methods and repertoire

The right teacher will notice your deficiencies and natural strengths, and they will find music that you genuinely enjoy at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. They will also answer any questions you have about the instrument and be genuinely interested in your success.

That’s what we aim for at Funtimes Music School - we want our students to become confident violinists who love music and can participate in bands, orchestras, string quintets, or have fun on the violin at home.

Get in Touch For Your Trial Violin or Cello Lesson

We would love to hear from you! We serve students from Ahwatukee foothills, Tempe, Phoenix and the surrounding areas, and we are confident that you will enjoy our professional, comfortable teaching studio. Please send us a note or give us a call to get started.